Integrative Fertility Solutions
- meaning make whole, renew, repair, begin again.
Are you ready to optimize your fertility while becoming the best version of yourself you have ever been? Isn't that where motherhood starts?
We think so.

Overwhelmed with information? Stressed about timing? Experiencing grief, shame or resentment after loss or failed procedures? Disconnected from your partner? Feeling jealous about friends or family who have become pregnant?
None of that is who you are. It's time to turn that around. Take the next few minutes and watch the presentation on our program below.
It could change your life.
The Integrative Specialist Program is only for people who are ready to do the
work it takes to transform your health. This is a commitment and at times might be
uncomfortable, which is exactly how results happen. We will be putting in 100% and we need you to as well or this will not work.
The Integrative Specialist Program requires your commitment for the next four to twelve months of your life. The changes you will experience will last a lifetime - including preparing you for your new life as a mother.
To prepare for your consultation, we will need recent labs and/or test results along with completion of our extensive application and 1 1/2 hours of your undivided attention to begin the process. Once in the program, you must prepare to do things differently, follow all instructions and be open to change.